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“Investing in women is an investment in a sustainable future. Statistics have shown time and time again that when women are empowered, they make an outstanding difference in economic growth and livelihoods in emerging markets,” said Gerhard Pries, Chairman of the Board, Sarona Asset Management. “Sarona is committed to working with the partners to structure this financing vehicle and deliver impactful solutions.”

“Women hold families together and are the foundation of economic development. When women are empowered with education, financial resources, and other tools, there is a potential to transform the current ecosystem,” added Faustin Mukena, Chief Executive Officer of Africa Resource Centre. “Africa Resource Centre NPC is dedicated to designing and deploying this end-to-end solution for public health supply chain management.”

Women’s economic empowerment, access to healthcare, and inclusion in leadership positions are essential factors to prioritize when working to achieve global development goals; the gaps in gender equality cost the global economy over $7 trillion per year.

“Empowering women is the key to sustainable health and financial systems,” said David Cunningham, Chief Executive Officer of KidsOR. “Through our Global Hospitals team, KidsOR is committed to working with WHEN on creating a hub-and-spoke model for women’s health that is supported by women themselves.”

“Zambia is committed to economically empowering women entrepreneurs to strengthen our health system delivery” said Professor Roma Chilengi, Director General of Zambia National Public Health Institute and Special Advisor for Health to the President of Zambia. “By empowering these women to become entrepreneurs, we unlock a key that both increases their access to capital and the entire population’s access to healthcare.” “Women need more than just mentorship, they need investment” emphasized Kaye Vitug, co-founder of Unlocking Eve. “At Unlocking Eve we aim to impact 100 million leaders by 2030 through our research, transformative tools, and high impact leadership interventions for system change. We are excited to collaborate with WHEN and to address the gaps in the system,” added co-founder Eva McLellan.

Concluding statements were made by co-chairs of the Women’s Health and Economic Empowerment Network, Joanne Manrique, Dr. Ted Trimble, and Dr. Kee Park.

“Now more than ever, global health leaders and decision makers see the need to invest in women, particularly the female health workforce. By working together, we can make a sustainable impact and significantly improve health, social and economic outcomes in the region,” added Joanne Manrique, President, The Center for Global Health and Development. “As the Secretariat of WHEN, CGHD is excited to move to action on this initiative and make measurable change in emerging markets.”

“We are designing the WHEN vehicles break the mold of a traditional equity fund and are working innovatively to address the gaps on the ground. By truly considering impact from the earliest stages of design, these vehicles have the potential to be transformative.” stated Dr. Kee Park, Director of Policy and Advocacy, Harvard Program in Global Surgery and Social Change.

“We have heard from representatives across all stages of the health and financial ecosystems. We have heard from the women on the ground, we have heard from the country representatives. We have the mechanisms, now we must get started,” concluded Ted Trimble, Senior Advisor for Cervical Cancer Control, US National Cancer Institute. “The Women’s Health and Economic Empowerment Network is committed to leveraging this mechanism to close the gaps, and we invite other change makers around the table to do the same. Because if not now, WHEN?”

The session was closed by Honourable Minister Sylvia Masebo, Minister of Health of Zambia, who stated “We are thrilled to have Zambia as part of such an important initiative in achieving health and gender equity.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][vc_column width=”5/12″ css=”.vc_custom_1698151256442{padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}” el_class=”bg-left”][vc_empty_space height=”62px”][vc_single_image image=”4413″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row equal_height=”yes” content_placement=”middle” row_space=”remove_padding_top” css=”.vc_custom_1697129275979{padding-top: 0px !important;background-color: #ededed !important;}”][vc_column width=”7/12″ el_class=”column-style-2 float-right” css=”.vc_custom_1663338379535{padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]Closed-Door WHEN Leadership Working Session

Sunday, September 17th
5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
The Harvard Club New York 

Session outcomes:

  • Further Developed a Robust Ecosystem of Investments: Participants made significant progress in shaping an ecosystem of health and gender investments, collectively amounting to over $150m in Technical Assistance and Equity for the WHEN Fund-of-Funds.
  • Enhanced Government Collaborations: Key achievements included formalizing additional government partnerships, solidifying collaborations with private sector stakeholders, and securing commitments from investors.
  • Expanded Healthcare Infrastructure: The session also involved the structuring of a comprehensive strategy and partnership to expand and enhance healthcare facilities, with a specific focus on improving surgical infrastructure in Africa. These efforts aimed to address critical healthcare needs and improve access to medical services in the region.
  • Alignment of Investment Objectives: Participants worked on ensuring alignment among the investment objectives, taking into account the WHEN Fund-of-Fund’s mission and the specific needs of the targeted regions.
  • Governance Structure: Discussion focused on the governance structure of the WHEN Fund-of-Funds, including the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders and decision-makers. 

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Wednesday, September 20th
7:30 am – 11:00 am
Tudor City 


  • Continued Engagement: The session successfully maintained the momentum from the WHEN Leadership Working Session from Sunday, September 17th, ensuring the transition of action points and expert-generated ideas to the next phase of discussions.
  • Expert Guidance: Leaders in finance, government, global health, and women’s economic empowerment sectors shared concrete recommendations and expert insights into the structural and funding aspects of the WHEN Fund-of-Funds.
  • Innovative Deployment Plans: Participants formulated innovative strategies for deploying the WHEN Fund-of-Funds, with a focus on supporting health system strengthening, women entrepreneurs, and women health workers in emerging markets.
  • Comprehensive Investment Portfolio: Partners collaboratively identified and documented a diverse range of innovative investment opportunities that could be pursued by the WHEN Fund-of-Funds, initiating the beginning of a detailed WHEN investment portfolio.
  • Sustainability Focus: The discussions zeroed in on actionable strategies and approaches to sustainability amplify the impact within specific case studies that will be support by the WHEN Fund-of-Funds. This emphasis on sustainability build upon the momentum generated in the previous sessions, ensuring concrete, lasting outcomes. 

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